Thursday, December 7, 2006

SCTV - "The Queen Haters"

I remember seeing this when it first came out -- it was pretty hilarious. The audience in this clip pretty much captures the publics opinion on this type of music when it first came out.

The line that kills me that i always remembered was, "I CANT AFFORD ME DOPE"

but now that I see this again, the killer line is,
"I feel sorry for Lady Di, .... having a mother in law like that !!!"

and that is how the song ends.... real abrupt.
There were bands back then in the late 70's that scared the crap out of me. I remember picking up album titles and being too afraid to buy them. The Plasmatics scared me for some reason. The look of the album in general was frightening. That was true added to the fact that radio stations steered clear of bands like that. Most radio stations played Andy Gibb records.

That seems laughable now but this was during the age of Solid Gold. Then later when I became an all out hooligan I couldnt find a band violent or crazy enough to satisfy me. I played everything i could get my greedy mits on.

This is one of SCTV's shining moments. This ran on the segment, "Mels Rockpile" which was a Solid Gold type show led by rockin Mel SLurrup.... (Eugene Levy).
Ted Cantu writes for
Fascube and is the creator of

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