Rock video music blog featuring independant bands, obscure groups and hard to find videos. Each video is followed with commentaries by Creative Director, Ted Cantu.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
"Hey Mom and Dad, While Your Working Struggling To Pay Your Mortgage, Little Billy and Co. Are Hard At Work Blowing Our Tax Dollars On Creating Forgettable Bullshit"
Take a good look at this video. It came from a public school of some sort. Maybe an arts program. These are your tax dollars.....
Strange, intriguing and outrageous.
Feeling it?
Cantu 2007
This is great, this is violent, this is pop, this is even recorded on scratchy film. Its far from polished and its got great energy and it speaks about its time. It wasn't shot on a multi million dollar budget and it shows. THATS GOOD ENOUGH... and its relevant.
The baby who stabs the toaster is in for a real treat. We shriek in mock terror but this is what good video is all about. It gets your attention. That baby grows up into a very disturbed young man who does these strange forward flips. It is enough to carry us through the entire video experience of this STONES song.
I prefer this song to the Stones in a lot of ways because it is so straight forward. Notice how these new Yellow Devo suits became their signature garb. This was even parodied in Revenge of the Nerds. Besides being somewhat geeky Devo was actually an angry band in a lot of ways. They had a lot of energy to them.
When they came out in the rock tabloids Devo garnered some bad reviews. One actually said if you don't care about the girl you are with go ahead and put a Devo record on. The reason being that a Devo record never meant anything to anyone. That little snippet of wisdom I find hilarious and at the same time nonsensical. It DID have some meaning to me. I found them interesting. Although I did find playing an entire album by them a little tedious because some of the songs were nerve grating, (Through Being Cool etc.).
But this one is a gem.
Ted Cantu posted this on May 26, 2007 at 1:17 am
Friday, May 25, 2007
This actually aired on the Pee Wee Herman Show when it was originally broadcast at 1 am in the early 80's. You may remember that one where it was a stage show etc. He actually aired this Devo clip but I am not sure it had the Booji boy intro in the beginning controlling the actual video. But it works... again.. its been a long time since I seen this... maybe 1982.
I am going to get stoned for saying this but I think Mark Mothersbaugh is TEN TIMES HOTTER than Jessica Alba.. and the reasons why should be obvious. Yes he is an ultra geek but this guy had a lot of vision. You really couldn't take your eyes off anything he created because he was just flat out strange and captivating. I get sick of alba in about ten minutes. But I can sit there and watch a Devo video over and over again because it is ENTERTAINING.
There really hasn't been another band like Devo which is kind of too bad. They were creating great material in the early 80's. By the Mid-80's other bands were grabbing the spotlight and synth pop was dominating American radio. Then things got really bad.
You suddenly had a lot of bands creating cerebral kamakazi with the ear drums and patience such as Mister Mister, KajaGooGoo, Cutting Crew, Aha, Terrance Trent Darby and many others. It wasn't until bands who danced around on the outter edges of IRS records got kids thinking about what music could be and what was possible. That is when things got interesting again.
But before the great rennaisance this is what we had to work with and it was substantial. It held up and some songs held up better than others. Devo doing Jocko Homo was beyond brilliant. The introduction of Booji boy was amazing too. See it all come together in this social commentary video is just what the Booji Boy ordered. Its king.
Cantu 2007, can be found at this post was created May 26, 2007 at 1:03 pm
"Stop Me If You Heard This One Before...."
Here is a little rundown on comedian Bernard Manning:
Born in the Ancoats district of Manchester, Manning is of working class Irish Catholic extraction and was an altar boy. He also claims Jewish roots and to be a descendant of immigrants from Sevastopol. A sign which reads 'Shalom' adorns the front door of his home in Middleton, Greater Manchester.
Like many other comedians of the time (including the cast of The Goon Show), Manning had had little thought of entertainment as a career, until his national service posted him to Germany. To pass the time, Manning began to sing popular standards to entertain his fellow soldiers. He proved to be so good at this that eventually he ended up putting on shows at the weekends: when he began to charge admittance (and audiences didn't drop off), he realised that there was the possibility of making money from showbusiness.
This video is hilarious. The response from this sensitive material... THE SMITHS is going to get quite a response. Partly because it has so many deep rooted feelings in so many people. Simply said, this material is seriously tied to some strong emotional bonds that ... hopefully in many cases have been since abandoned or forgotten about altogether. Now, you will most likely be tied to this music for the music and not for the insecurities that may have existed when you were younger.
In either case here is what others have said..... AND YES I FIND THIS HILARIOUS.
wiganrlfc (2 months ago) marked as spam
Fuck off all you soft twats. If you don't like Bernard then why can't you just ignore him and not slam him. I'd much rather hear Bernard's jokes than lefties like Jo Brand and Ben Elton telling jokes that aren't funny, just crude and disgusting.
Longboardsinglefin (2 months ago) marked as spam
This man is the most offensive bastard. He is also the most naturally gifted comedian Britain ever spawned. If u think Chaplin is funny, you have no sense of humour, and if you don't find Manning funny, you have no sense of humour. It's the litmus test.
bugwar (2 months ago) marked as spam
this is funny for obvious reasons. but manning is a cunt and always will be. and he certainly doesnt represent me
theassociate82 (2 months ago) marked as spam
Funniest fuckin thing i've seen for a long time...class
DanceToTheRadio (2 months ago) marked as spam
Okay I hate Bernard Manning and love the Smiths but I loved this.
mad4it (2 months ago) marked as spam
Yeh. He's just misunderstood. Like Hitler, Idi Amin, and fucking Jim Davidson. Sorry you shandy boys, but alternative comedy is the business. This shite is what we call 'fossilisation'. There's a reason why you can't be racist on tv, don't you know?
steve74100 (2 months ago) marked as spam
Comparing him to Hitler is one thing..comparing him to Idi Amin is pretty bad,But to compare him to Jim Davidson, is Bang out of order....
mad4it (2 months ago) marked as spam
yeh I'm sorry, that was a step too far. Maybe if it was a video of Satan, mr davidson would be a more logical comparison.
Cantu 2007
"not a high traffic level band -- BUT A DAMN GOOD ONE !!!"
What happens to originality when you need it most? The best part about being a band in this period is that you had real tenacity. There was very little pressure from record companies to create standard schlock. And the big reason for that was that nobody really know what these bands were really trying to communicate. There really was a magical time in music because of the lack of big label pressure to be categorized.
Seeing a video for this group AHOUSE is extremely rare. Finding this particular release requires another phenomenal feat. You can find some of these tracks on compilations but the complete releases are hard to come by.
Cantu 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Its hard to believe that my recent observations on Jessica Alba and Slim Whitman would warrant any response..... But here is someone that may fail to evoke any kind of human sympathy... although as in my last two posts I have been proven to be... wrong (?) In either case here is a shot of DeNiro doing Capone.....
The whole thing about Capone to me is fascinating. But what is more fascinating that the man himself is this one dimensional movie portrayal that was made in the 80's. DePalma has managed to take an amazing true life story and trivialize it to card board character cut out portrayals. There were so many intriguing characters in Capones life but you'll see none of that happen in this film.
The main stars of, "The Untouchables" is the soundtrack and the camera movements. Capones speaking parts boils down to just three key scenes. We never see people like Johnny Torrio or Bottles or how his own brother was murdered by the police. Here was a perfect chance to create something memorable and that op was blown.
Kevin Costner plays Elliott Ness who has nothing more to say in this film but... "so, are you married?"
Married? Yeah. So What. What if I'm not?
David Mamet really must have been running out of things to throw into this script. The other thing that got a lot of laughter out of the audience when this was shown was the ridiculous Canada get up. Mounties riding shotgun over the Canadian plains really created a ruckuss when this was originally shown to audiences.
Too bad that stuff never really happened.
The scene in the Union Train station too was a goof. That was a scene taken straight from the movie Potemkin. It had nothing to do with reality or what passes for it. And Netti was never thrown off a building he committed suicide.
What you got at the end of the day is a feel good tour de farce. Its fun to watch but none of it has anything to do with Al Capone. The real Capone was a little more fascinating. This guy had underground tunnels and hideouts in Mexico and travelled by steamboat and learned how to kill at an early age. He shows up in a Chicago train station, (now condos) in the south side with 35 cents in his pocket, a pistol and a pregant teenage wife, May Capone. From there the story gets weird with his mental illness condition, (some now think he was possessed - after visiting Amityville, Long Island... seriously, look it up).
He hung out with Babe Ruth and even became Time Magazines man of the year. Getting good pictures of Capone is sort of difficult. The history books always run the same ones over and over again. Getting the real story of what really happened takes a little time. There are many stories that sort of conflict. The more amazing things that tend to pop up are his getaway trap doors he had installed in his club, THE GREEN MILL in Chicago and in the hotel walls where he stayed that led to hidden staircases etc.
The mentality of the country was interesting too. A lot of common every day blue collar types loved Capone and his generosity. Not everyone viewed him as a monster. Another key thing that was missing from DePalmas movie was how prevalent prostitution was in Chicago. Now the city takes credit for creating a 100 million dollar a year empire. A claim that i feel is bogus. The other thing was there were a lot of white slavery rackets going on. This town was a lot more brutal than what this film portrays. In comparrison its very wimpy.
In the 80's it was declared that Capone only brought in 3 million a year during his brief but bloody reign. In these politically correct times that number has jumped up along with everything else.... For histories sake we should keep things authentic. And honest.
The hotel scene in the film along with DeNiros scene at the Opera was shot in the Chicago Cultural Center. This sort of thing really ruins it for me. This movie is worth watching it for the camera work alone..... Its hard to find the real meat in here.
There you go, a little more insight and history for ya... but go ahead and knock it, the next thing I will see on this blog is how Capone was really more like Mother Theresa.
Cantu 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
jessica alba - your 15 minutes are up
This video is homeade. I never knew who this person was but now shes up my backside. Shes on every magazine cover and on every photographed ever taken.
Interesting what the entertainment industry crams down your throat. Okay, on one hand shes more pleasing to the eye than our boy Slim Whitman but then on the other hand what does she really do for a living?
I tend to be a little rough on celebrities. But I have no idea what this one does for a living. Seriously Shes in movies but big deal a lot of people do that. Shes in a bunch of mens magazines but again, a lot of people do that.
You know... I'd rather see Slim Whitman crank out another crappy album than have to hear for the upteenth time about how hot this woman is. I KNOW SHES HOT... THE MEDIA KEEPS TELLING ME. How could i not know shes hot. I have no intention of seeing any of her films. IN fact, I haven't actually sat through an entire film of hers. Should I just pop twenty bucks in the mail to her agent and get it over with?
I dont want to see her films but I feel obligated to send her a few bucks. Maybe she will drop off the magazine cover scene for good. I can always be hopeful.
Funny what fame does to a person. Even Eva Menenedez, (spelling) tends to smile now. Instead of being angry and hot now she is happy and hot. Thanks to a handful of one dimensional characters and a few brief stints in STUFF magazine she is all smiles.
But so what?
Cantu 2007
What a crock of nonsense this is !! I remember this commercial. The sound that is sweeping America by storm? Are you serious? Check out the 8 Track tape. What a load of BS, and it came from Texas, (home of the JFK fiasco).
Does the media really want us to believe this guy is selling more records in this country or that country... more than... the Beatles and Elvis? What a farce.
BlazinNoiseBoy (5 months ago) marked as spam
Gotta love the 8 track at the end.You youngsters out there, I had to live with this commercial about 8 times an hour on cable channels like WTBS.
Yes yes, I agree, I had to endure this stuff too when I watched TV as a kid. I had no idea who this lout was but he was on my tv a LOT. APparently him and Boxcar Willie were major hearthrobs and were selling out Madison Square Garden... according to these awful commercials which I find IMPOSSIBLE to believe.
osurulz44507 (6 months ago) marked as spam
Think I'll go somewhere and cry myself to sleep after watching this...P.S. 1-800-228-1010 STILL works!
(Reply) (Spam)
pochs (6 months ago) marked as spam
I didn't like him in 1980. And now it's 26 years later & I dislike him 26 times as much. He's beyond "Timeless" - he's WORTHLESS !
Nice comments gang but how can he possibly be 26 times worse? That is sort of an impossibility right? He does not age like fine wine but turns into rancid vinegar. This is not the voice of genius but really tacky PR.
Where did this guy come from and where did he go after? Was he a secret agent for the KGB sent to spy on us through our cable systems in the 80s? What gives? Was he even a real singer? Did he get sent to prison? Answers answers someone please give me some answers.
Who was this joker?
Well..... ????
Cantu 2007, posted this on May 20, 2007 at 11:32 am
DEVO - the attack of booji boy on Saturday Night Live
When I first saw this I really thought it was THE GENIUS OF LORNE MICHAELS but I was sorely mislead. This actually appeared on Saturday Night Live and I thought it was the most brilliant thing I'd ever seen. In fact this had nothing to do with SNL.
It was just something they put on the show to ... kill time?
This was never really parodied -- or copied by any other bands. I still have no idea what inspired it. Seeing Booji run down the stairs into the parking lot was memorable. As a kid this sort of scared the crap out of me. It was fascinating to watch but yet I could not look away. I wasn't into the music or the dancing. It was about as disturbing as a late B movie at a drive in.
Later the boys in DEVO became the very establishment they pretended to rebel against. These guys spun out CD-ROMS and became major contributors to NICK TV for kids. They had a lot to do with the Rugrats.
Still, for my money I'd like to see this whole thing in its entirety. I am glad to see at least this intro because it proves to me that this was not my imagination working overtime. This was a real production of sorts. Its still disturbing. Its still interesting.
Cantu 2007, posted this on May 20, 2007 at 11:21 pm
When I first saw this I really thought it was THE GENIUS OF LORNE MICHAELS but I was sorely mislead. This actually appeared on Saturday Night Live and I thought it was the most brilliant thing I'd ever seen. In fact this had nothing to do with SNL.
It was just something they put on the show to ... kill time?
This was never really parodied -- or copied by any other bands. I still have no idea what inspired it. Seeing Booji run down the stairs into the parking lot was memorable. As a kid this sort of scared the crap out of me. It was fascinating to watch but yet I could not look away. I wasn't into the music or the dancing. It was about as disturbing as a late B movie at a drive in.
Later the boys in DEVO became the very establishment they pretended to rebel against. These guys spun out CD-ROMS and became major contributors to NICK TV for kids. They had a lot to do with the Rugrats.
Still, for my money I'd like to see this whole thing in its entirety. I am glad to see at least this intro because it proves to me that this was not my imagination working overtime. This was a real production of sorts. Its still disturbing. Its still interesting.
Cantu 2007, posted this on May 20, 2007 at 11:21 pm
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