I cannot remember this film.... i CANNOT REMEMBER who starred in it. None of these people look familiar to me in the least. I dont know if they had fashionable careers. I dont know if any of them retired from film or live in posh Malibu dream houses.
Thats partly due to the fact that i could care less.
However, this video remained in my subconscious and has haunted me since the first time I have seen it..... Not the movie clips.... but the movie footage over David Gahan.... and the end film loop of the number flashing over the stage and him spinning around .... and this catchy melody and the emptiness of it all.... Those fleeting moments IS THE WHOLE SONG really.... You need very little else.
Its a brilliant work of art. MINUS the lackluster film called MODERN GIRLS. A film, which has little meaning to me and a film i care little about.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

It's a bit difficult to talk humbly when I mention these guys in any writen form. This is a 12 year old clip and its just incredible.
A strange and strong contrast compared to what is selling in todays market. I just got through watching another boring episode of Amercan... Entertainment Tonight.... and besides boring me half stupid this show ignores anything really interesting or intriguing in the world of entertainment. I guess they learned long ago to just give up and leave it to me.
I know whats interesting -- and these guys are interesting.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

This is TRULY the greatest thing that has stumbled out of the "official" hollywood industry entertainment machine in quite some time. Best of all... ITS FREE.. technically speaking. You don't have to tune in at a certain time or buy anything to catch this guy.....
You can stand out on 42nd and Broadway and see him perform for free -- theatening to "punch out one tooth at a time" or.. chasing after a bus while wearing a dress..... down a one way street. This is entertainment in its highest form.
AND.. its better than anything thats being produced right now by the entertainment industry. You will be hard pressed to find anything INTERESTING AS THIS on Entertainment Tonight. I can guarantee you that.... FO SHO.
He cannot talk about how he accidently ran over some woman in his car because of a gag order. Instead he wanted to talk about how he punched a hole through this guys face.. riiiiiiight? Joe Corsin... the Matre'de at the Worlds Famous Stage Delicatessan.... which is funny becuase I've eaten at the Stage manytimes in NYC and they DO NOT HAVE A BOUNCER... or a HEAD BOUNCER.. its a freakin restaurant NOT A NIGHT CLUB OR STRIP CLUB... This is total lunacy.... Then he punches a hole in the wall...
This is funny too for another reason.... this guys nuts.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

"This album and everything on it is worth it.... its worth pursuing, its worth owning and its worth living. Every track on it pulses with its own eclectic beat -- existing in a time of its own.... It rises above so many other releases they've made -- mostly because it remains relevant"
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

This was around during the late great 80's and then it disappeared. The video tells the whole story of how a magic circus tent appeared after a flying saucer sighting. Inside are the horrifying Killer Klowns.
They wrap people up in cotton candy and shoot them with lazer pistols out in the street -- its actually kinda scary.
The soundtrack song is interesting with the calliope sound. This movie, and video for that matter, are really underated. This is not a chick movie. Its a TV Party type movie that is best enjoyed with a roomful of your beer buddies. Still, for all its shortcomings in the romance department this movie is over the top 80's entertainment.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

The Anarchy in the UK tour was a flop.... it had THE DAMNED, JOHNNY THUNDERS, THE CLASH and most of the dates were cancelled. Bad press and attacks by local government created a maelstrom of confusion. The press worked against them in a lot of ways as the controversey grew.
Sid Vicious beat up journalist Nick Kent with a chain. Vicious also landed in jail after accidently blinding a girl in one eye at a punk gig after throwing a beer mug. Band manager Malcom McLaren had a hard time booking them anywhere because he feared getting arrested. Strategicially working out of his Picadilly Square office, Glitterbest, he wormed his way through the grimey streets of London searching out future gigs. Screen on the Green would no longer accept them and either would the 100 Club...... So they bellied up in strip joints, prisons and "fashionable art parties.... any sh**^% that didn't reek of rock and roll".
When that happened the band played secret shows as THE SPOTS, (Sex Pistols On Tour)... Malcom got the gigs after Steve Jones threatened Malcom... maybe it was Johnny Rotten... they threatened to walk out on the band. In 1977 the band popped up in Sweden of all places. These were high energy gigs although you couldn't really tell from this footage because the quality of it is very poor. There was no real "punk show" aesthetic to compare anything with back in 1977. But the kids were ecstatic to see the Pistols on stage.
The ceiling was very low in this club. This could have been a very small club but thanks to the lighting you can't really tell how big this venue was. My guess is that it was probably very small... capable of maybe only holding 300 people.... if that. Everything is blown out of proportion in the history books. Authors make every venue out to be a mini Madison Square Garden..... My guess is that these rooms were very small.
Steve Jones said these were the greatest gigs the bands played. The energy was very high.
Ted Cantu is the creator of WebCrush and http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

Here's three clips.... The Gilbert Gottfried clips are pretty funny -- they are older ones that poke fun at Andrew "Dice" Clay.... This is from his first show he had on WOR Channel 9. Some would argue that this was his peak......
It comes in two parts......
The clip with Elegant Elliot Offen reflects what sort of people he had on in the 1990's. Elliot has a LOT of problems. I ran into this guy in the Brazil Day parade in NYC a few years back. He wore a black nightie and pumps and carried an umbrella. If memory serves this guy wore a bullet bra......
I like to watch these wacko people fly off the handle and wig out. Thats one of the things I miss about New Yorkers in general..... and living there, you know? Never a dull moment.
Watch his reaction when Stern accuses him of wearing gumball jewelry. The last clip turns into a complete over the top moral argument.
This is actually better than community access television.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago andNew York City.

"what a show............."
In the 80's you didn't have a whole lot of channels to choose from. If you lived in my house with my cheapskate step father you had NO CHOICES.... The only saving grace I had during this cable early era was to create my own entertainment. In between endless rounds with my Atari 2600 I could get in the Uncle Floyd Show out of Newark, New Jersey. This proved to be a great deal after all.
The Uncle Floyd Show featured Squeeze, The Ramones, and David Johanson from THE NEW YORK DOLLS...... And then sometimes you wouldn't get so lucky and you would end up with a wacko band talent like Aztec Two Step, Gary US Bonds and ZOOGZ RIFT.
Zoogz was a Dadaist art performer and a creative soul. He was a free form artist. But judging from this video clip he was also somewhat of a lunatic.
Here is the man himself,
"It took us months to learn how to play out-of-sync like that. "
Zoogz, Jan. 2007
Back when TV was still good!
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and
New York City.

This is what a good video can do - entertain - in EVERY SHOT. That is what makes this really stand alone from other videos of the same era. Aside from the Van Halen, 1984 rock videos of this time period this one by the Kinks really stands out. You can literally play this song over again and watch this entire video over again -- and get more out of it every time.
I like the shot where Ray Davies, (the singer) goes into the subway and sits down and comes out of a fun house. Seriously, that just shoots a sudden jolt of joy to my heart. Its funny, its somewhat irrelevant, but its essential to making this entire piece work. The song comes together and just keeps building.
I like when Davies looks through the hole in the wall and sees himself as a jester playing drums complete with a pelican beak of a nose. Davies sticks out his tongue reminding me of Lon Chaney as Quasimodo in the silent classic, "Hunchback of Norte Dame". Brother guitarist, Dave Davies is dressed like a harlequin and is playing the "guitar hero" and blares on the chords that ruffle the final scenes. Then the camera goes down the Helter Skelter ride and captures some of the mayhem. Pure magic. Seriously.
This is a very literate piece of work. The final shot captures the look of the previous release, "Muswell Hillbillies" with the shooting gallery. Im a big fan of the two second shot. I like where Ray Davies and his side kick are skipping by the boardwalk near the old women and the seagulls flying past. This shot would never work in full sunlight. I really need that sunset and the silhouettes of the people - it holds the song and the video together........
The bombs going off in the subway are pretty interesting. People in London had to live in the Tube system when the Nazi's dropped bombs over head in WWII. I don't think they were breakdancing down there though but its a nice touch. It adds to the lunacy.
The strange choreography by the people dancing in the subway is uneven and a little awkward. That keeps the viewer oddly entertained and visually addicted. This comes off a little like PINK FLOYD THE WALL - motion picture by Alan Parker..... It works when you think it may not.
This is a perfect work of art.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.
Why its none other than Gene Lean - the Dancing Machine of Wicker Park, in Chicago.
These clips popped up recently in Internet-Land... and I must say, they are quite hysterical. I don't know the full story behind these clips but I can recognize the voices in the background.. seriously, its a guy I used to work with!
The corner our dancer is on is in Wicker Park... otherwise known as GroovyTown. Its a small neighborhood on North and Damen in Chicago. Its a very high energy part of town and the clubs number the crowded streets. Its a fun place to live and its very interesting -- er, that is to say, ever a dull moment.
I used to haunt this area whenever I got the chance. The Rolling Stones played not far from this corner at the Double Door just a few years ago. Echobelly played there too now that I think of it. There is a great record store near here called, The Quaker Goes Deaf. This is also the same neighborhood where Lenny Bruce got arrested for obscenity back in the late 1950's, No JOKE..... There used to be a Wax Traxx record store near this corner at one time.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

Dolemite -- (sigh) This makes me sick, seriously. This MAN IS A LEGEND!!! I have watched all of his films and even met him at the Magic Bag in Detroit. He told me a joke that sucked all the oxygen out of my lungs and after that I fell into a miserably heap on the floor gasping for air.... yes.. it was that funny.
Dolemite - real name, Rudy Ray Moore is a COMEDIC GENIUS.
But this scene is supposed to be serious I think. When the guy goes to go for a flying kick he falls, (listen for the kids laughing off camera).
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

"This is where it all .... ends" blurts Pete Townsend and all hell breaks loose. That is an understatement. This seemingly trite song turns into complete unabashed bedlam. I honestly believe that after all these years this is how the song should look and sound whenever its performed.
Drummer Keith Moon is unrelenting when this song takes off and doesn't quit. I am somewhat disappointed with this clip because I've seen it before from the film, "The Kids Are Alright". I was never able to get any confirmation on what is actually happening on the film due to the lighting. Moon hits the drum and looks up as if he is trying to catch a drumstick in mid-flight. I have seen him look up several times on different clips but have no idea if he actually does this at all. He pretends to catch something and continue on pounding and bashing the hell out of his drum kit. Maybe he really does catch it and then again, maybe he is just play acting.
He drums so fast anyways that its really difficult to tell.
I wished there was a complete clip of the chaos in the middle of the song -- I can do without all the flashbacks. The rest of this song is quite dizzying. The clip picks back up at the end when Moon smashes up his drums briefly as the explosions go off. That part looks a bit sloppy and not as great as it could have been but still its a triumphant ending. There isn't much to break up after Townsend and Daltrey stumble off the stage.
They weren't trying to be cute in this performance. There is real blood and venom going on in the delivery of this song.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.