Rock video music blog featuring independant bands, obscure groups and hard to find videos. Each video is followed with commentaries by Creative Director, Ted Cantu.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
pitobrain (1 week ago)
you guys are my heroes.
V3ngy (1 week ago)
punch em in the face
SinfulAngel81 (23 hours ago)
Lmfao hahaaaa funny shit
Roommates Daniel Sol and Frantz Durand were tired of being awoken week after week by Religious solicitors. So they decided to play a prank, they just didn't expect this. Close friend David Branin edited this crazy footage together. After you've seen it, post your comment. (more) (less)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
John Denver & The Muppets - A Christmas Together

roseanna012 (3 days ago)
I love John Denver, I love the The Muppets and I love this song. Jim Henson was a genius. John Denver was a beautiful musician..god bless them.
FFWYB (1 day ago)
Brings tears to my eyes to hear and see this again. Thanks for sharing it!
Ah yes..... 1979 -- what a year. I didn't believe that anything could go drastically wrong then... but then again... the early 80's were looming right around the corner.
Fear not, enjoy this again while you can. I do believe this came out in 1978 and I watched it two years in a row. I seem to remember seeing this more than once for some reason. It left quite an impression and I could not locate it since.
This is quite a production. This is great for a number of reasons. IT was one of the last great variety show styles of television. John Denver wasn't out of his mind from excessive drink, (remember the whole NASA episode) and Carter was still president.
I seriously didn't think back then that life in general would get so SCREWED UP !!!
This production has got some great moments in it. The HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS number with Rowlf is worth mentioning. Its well done. I remembered it after all this time and of course the opening with the 12 Days of Christmas is classic.
I had no idea how sad some of these songs were. The muppets in general seem really bummed out throughout most of this show. JD's job is to go around and sort of pump everyone back up again. Kermit looks like he is in the market for some therapy......
I don't know why puppets were bummed out like this in the 70's. Another example would be the dilapidated Seymore from the HOT FUDGE SHOW, (HOLEY MOLEY).... He had buck teeth and so did the two kids he hung around with, (a boy and a girl with footballs for heads).
Still, I really believed that this type of television would be around for years to come. ABC changed their whole lineup within a few years after this was made and by the mid-80's we were face to face with a new style of television, (A Team, TJ Hooker, Fall Guy etc.). The variety show fell apart. All the great christmas shows sort of evaporated. Perry Como, Andy Williams and even the Osmonds vanished without a trace.
This reminds me of a somewhat happier time -- even if the muppets seem a little bummed out.
Cantu 2007
This is quite a production. This is great for a number of reasons. IT was one of the last great variety show styles of television. John Denver wasn't out of his mind from excessive drink, (remember the whole NASA episode) and Carter was still president.
I seriously didn't think back then that life in general would get so SCREWED UP !!!
This production has got some great moments in it. The HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS number with Rowlf is worth mentioning. Its well done. I remembered it after all this time and of course the opening with the 12 Days of Christmas is classic.
I had no idea how sad some of these songs were. The muppets in general seem really bummed out throughout most of this show. JD's job is to go around and sort of pump everyone back up again. Kermit looks like he is in the market for some therapy......
I don't know why puppets were bummed out like this in the 70's. Another example would be the dilapidated Seymore from the HOT FUDGE SHOW, (HOLEY MOLEY).... He had buck teeth and so did the two kids he hung around with, (a boy and a girl with footballs for heads).
Still, I really believed that this type of television would be around for years to come. ABC changed their whole lineup within a few years after this was made and by the mid-80's we were face to face with a new style of television, (A Team, TJ Hooker, Fall Guy etc.). The variety show fell apart. All the great christmas shows sort of evaporated. Perry Como, Andy Williams and even the Osmonds vanished without a trace.
This reminds me of a somewhat happier time -- even if the muppets seem a little bummed out.
Cantu 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007

"Say What You May... He Was ONE GRIZZLY OF A MAN ~ !!!"
Ah yes... Timothy Treadwell. Friend. Animal Conservationalist. .....Meal.
These videos have to be seen to be believed. I have seen them numerous times and i got to say that I find them DISTURBING.
Sadly for this guys legacy I do not recall hearing about him when he was alive. I thought it was a joke but it is very real. This footage was turned into a movie at Sundance Film Festival.
These videos have to be seen to be believed. I have seen them numerous times and i got to say that I find them DISTURBING.
Sadly for this guys legacy I do not recall hearing about him when he was alive. I thought it was a joke but it is very real. This footage was turned into a movie at Sundance Film Festival.
This guy was determined to live with Grizzly bears. It was the classic story of boy meets bear, boy sleeps with bear, boy becomes meal... along with girlfriend... for bear. IT happends every day, and every time you hear it you just cannot believe it.
What makes this story so bizarre is that he was an actor at one time. Rumor has it that he was the original choice for WOODY on Cheers and got passed up by Woody Harrelson. From there he went on this cocaine fueled odyssey and fell into an abyss of drugs and mental illness. This is what he told his parents. The cast of Cheers has not commented.
Maybe its true. But is it worth throwing yourself at a bear as a sack lunch? I think not.
These clips are incredible because the way he died was incredible. I mean.. not in a good way. Or even in an admired way. BUT A STUPID WAY.
Cantu 2007
Andy Kaufman said this clip showed Lincoln getting KILLED. This of course absurd because movie film and cameras were not available then. This didn't have any effect over the crowd because his audience burst into tears and hysterics. They thought this was an authentic clip. This is not the case. Notice the multiple camera angles.... Enjoy
Cantu 2007

All is NOT WELL in the bloody streets of Chicago. The city of thrills, chills, dames, booze, filth, easy money and....speakeasies is about to get a dose of REAL JUSTICE.... !!!!
I like this review -- if you want to real history -- you should read this....
I like this review -- if you want to real history -- you should read this....
If you want the condensed version, ( and I know you do, you sinner....) then read on here....
The Public Enemywas released by Warner Brothers and as far as BIG TIME GANGSTER pictures go -- this one is my personal favorite. I own this on DVD. I can watch it over and over again. I like the characters and the story is totally amazing.... and based somewhat on fact.
This was a time of beer and blood in the streets. In fact, the screenplay was called, "Beer and Blood" and gave details to the bloody beer wars in Chicago in the 1920's. It was a composite screenplay over the wild dealings of real life mob legend, Paddy Ryan. These guys were the precursors to Capone. They killed and blew eachother up to no end and even assasinated a race horse..... just like in the film.
The Public Enemywas released by Warner Brothers and as far as BIG TIME GANGSTER pictures go -- this one is my personal favorite. I own this on DVD. I can watch it over and over again. I like the characters and the story is totally amazing.... and based somewhat on fact.
This was a time of beer and blood in the streets. In fact, the screenplay was called, "Beer and Blood" and gave details to the bloody beer wars in Chicago in the 1920's. It was a composite screenplay over the wild dealings of real life mob legend, Paddy Ryan. These guys were the precursors to Capone. They killed and blew eachother up to no end and even assasinated a race horse..... just like in the film.
That somewhat stunned me.
Killing a horse? For Mob reasons? Yes, it really happened. Apparently the horse threw its rider off and kicked him in the ribs or the head killing him somewhat instantly. The kickee was named Nails Morton. Apparently when the rest of the mob heard that Nails was crushed by a friggen horse they went ballistically MAD. This weird death happened somewhere near Lincoln Park. I used to live in Lincoln Park.... I was just there two weeks ago. I walked through it. And being the historian that I am I found myself wondering what friggen street this happened on.
The race horse was murdered in Arlington Race Track from what I've read. Weird.
But the weird thing is what happend to Cagneys character in the film. He was kidnapped from the hospital and then ... shot? Tortured? Who knows. The end of the film shows Cagney wrapped up like a mummy and being dumped off to his mother who answers the door and he falls on his face dead. From what the tipsters claim this really happened too.
The guy who tipped Warner Brothers of this really weird but true tale was paid handsomely. They claimed it was a true story. The studio paid about two grand for the story from what I have read and everything... right down to the grapefruit scene was based on real events, (only it was an omlette in real life). The guy who sold the story feared the mob and for spilling his guts.
Killing a horse? For Mob reasons? Yes, it really happened. Apparently the horse threw its rider off and kicked him in the ribs or the head killing him somewhat instantly. The kickee was named Nails Morton. Apparently when the rest of the mob heard that Nails was crushed by a friggen horse they went ballistically MAD. This weird death happened somewhere near Lincoln Park. I used to live in Lincoln Park.... I was just there two weeks ago. I walked through it. And being the historian that I am I found myself wondering what friggen street this happened on.
The race horse was murdered in Arlington Race Track from what I've read. Weird.
But the weird thing is what happend to Cagneys character in the film. He was kidnapped from the hospital and then ... shot? Tortured? Who knows. The end of the film shows Cagney wrapped up like a mummy and being dumped off to his mother who answers the door and he falls on his face dead. From what the tipsters claim this really happened too.
The guy who tipped Warner Brothers of this really weird but true tale was paid handsomely. They claimed it was a true story. The studio paid about two grand for the story from what I have read and everything... right down to the grapefruit scene was based on real events, (only it was an omlette in real life). The guy who sold the story feared the mob and for spilling his guts.
This movie is typical of the kinds of movies you could buy at Kmart in the 1970's. Back before cable we used to haul out the 8mm movies on Saturday Night and MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT. tHIS WAS premium entertainment. I haven't seen one of these with the word titles in years. Because of the time frame this plot was seriously butchered to fit a 8 minute time limit.
Warner Brothers claimed they never meant to glorify the gangster by making this picture. WELL THEY FAILED in my opinion. CAUSE I ENDED UP ENJOYING THIS MOVIE TO NO END.... What a classic. IT makes me want to pump iron and drive a Model T. I want to become a big bad ass bootlegger and create a monopoly.
Its the ulimate guy movie.
Cantu 2007
Warner Brothers claimed they never meant to glorify the gangster by making this picture. WELL THEY FAILED in my opinion. CAUSE I ENDED UP ENJOYING THIS MOVIE TO NO END.... What a classic. IT makes me want to pump iron and drive a Model T. I want to become a big bad ass bootlegger and create a monopoly.
Its the ulimate guy movie.
Cantu 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
"the biggest -- LITTLEST movie IN THE WHOLE REEKING WORLD !!!!!!"
The title sequence makes me laugh somewhat. It just jumps on the screen like all those tv titles did in the 70's. It makes me think of THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO the way the title just pops up somewhat unpretentiously.
The song has a lot of weight in this film. It sets the stage. Scorsese later said that he wouldn't think of creating the film without that song. It has so much stage setting ability with it. The other hidden "star" of the film is some of the tracks by the Rolling Stones. Funny to have such songs play such a major part in Little Italy. But then again Little Italy is basically New York... Little Italy itself is VERY FREAKIN LITTLE.
This film is admired by filmaholics like myself. But thought of very little by people who live for the minute. For those types I recommend GLITTER on DVD or the latest Lindsey Lohan offering.... (wait, does she make films... yet? or what?). MEAN STREETS IS SERIOUS GUY ENTERTAINMENT... its not a chick film. I could watch this thing for days on end, and have.
I like Deniro in this movie and Harvey Keitel. I was into this film pretty heavy in college and I got it now on DVD. That is good value kids. Its a nice investment.
Its major attitude city.
Cantu 2007
The title sequence makes me laugh somewhat. It just jumps on the screen like all those tv titles did in the 70's. It makes me think of THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO the way the title just pops up somewhat unpretentiously.
The song has a lot of weight in this film. It sets the stage. Scorsese later said that he wouldn't think of creating the film without that song. It has so much stage setting ability with it. The other hidden "star" of the film is some of the tracks by the Rolling Stones. Funny to have such songs play such a major part in Little Italy. But then again Little Italy is basically New York... Little Italy itself is VERY FREAKIN LITTLE.
This film is admired by filmaholics like myself. But thought of very little by people who live for the minute. For those types I recommend GLITTER on DVD or the latest Lindsey Lohan offering.... (wait, does she make films... yet? or what?). MEAN STREETS IS SERIOUS GUY ENTERTAINMENT... its not a chick film. I could watch this thing for days on end, and have.
I like Deniro in this movie and Harvey Keitel. I was into this film pretty heavy in college and I got it now on DVD. That is good value kids. Its a nice investment.
Its major attitude city.
Cantu 2007
mean streets,
robert deniro,
"Words Alone Cannot Explain How Much This Sucks-- You KNOW?"
This song bothered me to no end as a youth. I think it had a secret following in my high school -- yes.. I went to a sad and sorry high school in Virginia. This served as a portal to the "outside world". There were a lot of cows and fragrant manure where I lived. We ... dwelled in the middle of literally nowhere - giant horse flies, hot sun, strange neighbors from the set of Deliverance... we didn't have MTV, we had to settle for sucky NBC, "Friday Night Videos".
You had to tape it on Friday night and then watch it over and over again and pretend you had MTV. IT WAS FUN.
It was so fun that the day after i graduated high school in Virginia I left for good. THE VERY NEXT DAY and I never went back.
ANYWHO I couldn't figure out who Murray Head was or who he appealed to. He certainly didn't appeal to me. I couldn't figure out who this song was written for. Turns out it was written for a play on Broadway called Chess. I have no idea what the play was about. I have no desire to find out now that I am older..... This song BLOWS.
This sounds like a travelogue of a bored homosexual blowing the family fortune in some obscure trip across .... bangkok of all places. He just rambles on about massage parlours and ... bars and something about.... who knows what.
Its very uninspiring. The tone of this song really turned me off. Head.. as he is affectionately known, doesn't sound too jazzed to be put in the position to sing this song. I am hardly overjoyed to be put in a position to listen to him whine, moan and bitch about.... "the city". Who cares about this ensemble. I mean really.
Angels and Devils sliding up next to me etc...... God man.. what drivel. He refers to me as "brother" and I can assure you that I am none of the kind. This song drives me to want to commit Heavy Metal. I want to grow my hair out to my faded jeans and not wear deoderant. I am inspired to shop at Target and eat at Dennys. I want to do anything and everything that is unstylized. This is crap music.
Here it is 2007 and I am still bitching about Murray Head.
Cantu 2007
This song bothered me to no end as a youth. I think it had a secret following in my high school -- yes.. I went to a sad and sorry high school in Virginia. This served as a portal to the "outside world". There were a lot of cows and fragrant manure where I lived. We ... dwelled in the middle of literally nowhere - giant horse flies, hot sun, strange neighbors from the set of Deliverance... we didn't have MTV, we had to settle for sucky NBC, "Friday Night Videos".
You had to tape it on Friday night and then watch it over and over again and pretend you had MTV. IT WAS FUN.
It was so fun that the day after i graduated high school in Virginia I left for good. THE VERY NEXT DAY and I never went back.
ANYWHO I couldn't figure out who Murray Head was or who he appealed to. He certainly didn't appeal to me. I couldn't figure out who this song was written for. Turns out it was written for a play on Broadway called Chess. I have no idea what the play was about. I have no desire to find out now that I am older..... This song BLOWS.
This sounds like a travelogue of a bored homosexual blowing the family fortune in some obscure trip across .... bangkok of all places. He just rambles on about massage parlours and ... bars and something about.... who knows what.
Its very uninspiring. The tone of this song really turned me off. Head.. as he is affectionately known, doesn't sound too jazzed to be put in the position to sing this song. I am hardly overjoyed to be put in a position to listen to him whine, moan and bitch about.... "the city". Who cares about this ensemble. I mean really.
Angels and Devils sliding up next to me etc...... God man.. what drivel. He refers to me as "brother" and I can assure you that I am none of the kind. This song drives me to want to commit Heavy Metal. I want to grow my hair out to my faded jeans and not wear deoderant. I am inspired to shop at Target and eat at Dennys. I want to do anything and everything that is unstylized. This is crap music.
Here it is 2007 and I am still bitching about Murray Head.
Cantu 2007

Watching Kaufman perform sometimes is like taking a ticket for a weird rocket ride to the dark side of the moon. His influences on what made him such a kook are in the millions. First of all when you dig deeper into him you will find a lot of really unique facts.
He used to skip school and hang out in Times Square when it was a war zone. There were hookers and killers and peep shows all over and there was even an underground freakshow. I had heard about this from many undesireable sources. You could pay a fee and go down in the dungeons of Times Square and see pickled fetuses and deformed monstrosities inside of giant pickle jars. Scary shit. I am talking about two headed babies etc.
Now days you will never hear about such things. Times Square has been revamped into Disney World.... which is a bit unfortunate in some aspects. The freakshows are all gone. And the particular one that Kaufman used to go to is gone too. It was responsible for being the place where weirdo singer Tiny Tim was discovered. He used to sing in a cellar.
These things fascinate me. Maybe they fascinate you too.
The one story I love the most involves the time that he claimed he found HIDDEN FOOTAGE of the assasination of Abraham Lincoln. Kaufman claimed that the government didn't want this footage to get into the hands of the public. He held the comedy club spellbound.
The footage was taken from D.W. Griffith's BIRTH OF A NATION. The footage shows Lincoln getting shot to peices and the audience started bawling and getting hysterical. Kaufman ended his show by getting into a cab and leaving. The only ones who thought this was funny was Kaufman and his agent Bob Zemuda. It truly is hillarious.
Movie film wasn't even invented when Lincoln was shot.
The slide guitar in this clip makes for one eerie peice. For a brief moment we are in Andy's world and it is a very unique and strange place.
I still find it interesting.
Cantu 2007
The footage was taken from D.W. Griffith's BIRTH OF A NATION. The footage shows Lincoln getting shot to peices and the audience started bawling and getting hysterical. Kaufman ended his show by getting into a cab and leaving. The only ones who thought this was funny was Kaufman and his agent Bob Zemuda. It truly is hillarious.
Movie film wasn't even invented when Lincoln was shot.
The slide guitar in this clip makes for one eerie peice. For a brief moment we are in Andy's world and it is a very unique and strange place.
I still find it interesting.
Cantu 2007
Where can I start?I have such a close knit history with this band I feel like I was one of them. I certainly put the hours in by listening to them and memorizing all of their... (okay there wasn't MANY albums) songs......BUT STILL... these guys are worthy.
They came out at the wrong time. I got to tell you. I was bored to tears listening to that whiney morass of a songwriter Stevie Knicks... and that poofy hairdoo wonderkind sidecar kickamajig Lindsey Buckingham. I certainly was not making macromae in my spare time and smoking dope. I was out there .. on the street... looking for the new sounds. To me.. THIS BAND WAS IT.
80's radio -- in general. .SUCKED.... I mean the early years in America. We had to scrap by with what would could grab. I didn't go for the big corporate dollar devil metal crap that was being pushed down our throats I wanted something REAL that I could use. The Replacements proved to be that vehicle for me as a youth.
They would never get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because they never sold enough records. They paved the way for harder bands like ... gasp... Nirvana... which in turn killed American radio with ball-less ballads that go down a dead end street.
On the FLIPSIDE... The Replacements were all about rebellion and causing up a ruckess. They were on a high note - literally. Sure there are some songs on their catalog that crank out a few tear drops but they are done artfully well. They carry a lot of soul in their droll.
.... Its good stuff.
Its fair to say that the media didn't kill music in the 2000's. The Internet did that. The corporations in the music biz could have done more however to help the MATS. There was a lot of reluctance to go around. Singer Westerberg hated making videos. The again... the videos they did make were worthy.
I remember seeing the new line up with Slim when they got drunk and shaved off their eyebrows. Man that was GOOD TELEVISION. I saw this on MTV in the 80's and they looked seriously goofy. Tommy actually spraypainted his boots bright red.
These songs take me back to a GOOD TIME in life. This includes driving a car thorugh a golf course -- jumping off buildings -- throwing tomatos out a nine story window -- homeade explosives -- stage diving -- and "hanging out the window".
I disagree with these guys being called A CULT band. They were not a CULT band. They were a ROCK AND ROLL BAND.. and a damn good one. They lacked a following because the mood of the industry was swayed with a lot of garbage from the SubPop label. Radio stations fell in line with what the corporate executives wanted. So consequently they never made the big play list. It had nothing to do with cultiness... they were MUSICIANS...... You could rely on them being good even when they were terrible.
Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan and that new guy on Idol with the hair and the Big Teeth will probably get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
That is how things go in this ridiculous rock and roll circus.
posted by cantu
Where can I start?I have such a close knit history with this band I feel like I was one of them. I certainly put the hours in by listening to them and memorizing all of their... (okay there wasn't MANY albums) songs......BUT STILL... these guys are worthy.
They came out at the wrong time. I got to tell you. I was bored to tears listening to that whiney morass of a songwriter Stevie Knicks... and that poofy hairdoo wonderkind sidecar kickamajig Lindsey Buckingham. I certainly was not making macromae in my spare time and smoking dope. I was out there .. on the street... looking for the new sounds. To me.. THIS BAND WAS IT.
80's radio -- in general. .SUCKED.... I mean the early years in America. We had to scrap by with what would could grab. I didn't go for the big corporate dollar devil metal crap that was being pushed down our throats I wanted something REAL that I could use. The Replacements proved to be that vehicle for me as a youth.
They would never get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because they never sold enough records. They paved the way for harder bands like ... gasp... Nirvana... which in turn killed American radio with ball-less ballads that go down a dead end street.
On the FLIPSIDE... The Replacements were all about rebellion and causing up a ruckess. They were on a high note - literally. Sure there are some songs on their catalog that crank out a few tear drops but they are done artfully well. They carry a lot of soul in their droll.
.... Its good stuff.
Its fair to say that the media didn't kill music in the 2000's. The Internet did that. The corporations in the music biz could have done more however to help the MATS. There was a lot of reluctance to go around. Singer Westerberg hated making videos. The again... the videos they did make were worthy.
I remember seeing the new line up with Slim when they got drunk and shaved off their eyebrows. Man that was GOOD TELEVISION. I saw this on MTV in the 80's and they looked seriously goofy. Tommy actually spraypainted his boots bright red.
These songs take me back to a GOOD TIME in life. This includes driving a car thorugh a golf course -- jumping off buildings -- throwing tomatos out a nine story window -- homeade explosives -- stage diving -- and "hanging out the window".
I disagree with these guys being called A CULT band. They were not a CULT band. They were a ROCK AND ROLL BAND.. and a damn good one. They lacked a following because the mood of the industry was swayed with a lot of garbage from the SubPop label. Radio stations fell in line with what the corporate executives wanted. So consequently they never made the big play list. It had nothing to do with cultiness... they were MUSICIANS...... You could rely on them being good even when they were terrible.
Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan and that new guy on Idol with the hair and the Big Teeth will probably get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
That is how things go in this ridiculous rock and roll circus.
posted by cantu
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