Rock video music blog featuring independant bands, obscure groups and hard to find videos. Each video is followed with commentaries by Creative Director, Ted Cantu.
Friday, May 25, 2007
This actually aired on the Pee Wee Herman Show when it was originally broadcast at 1 am in the early 80's. You may remember that one where it was a stage show etc. He actually aired this Devo clip but I am not sure it had the Booji boy intro in the beginning controlling the actual video. But it works... again.. its been a long time since I seen this... maybe 1982.
I am going to get stoned for saying this but I think Mark Mothersbaugh is TEN TIMES HOTTER than Jessica Alba.. and the reasons why should be obvious. Yes he is an ultra geek but this guy had a lot of vision. You really couldn't take your eyes off anything he created because he was just flat out strange and captivating. I get sick of alba in about ten minutes. But I can sit there and watch a Devo video over and over again because it is ENTERTAINING.
There really hasn't been another band like Devo which is kind of too bad. They were creating great material in the early 80's. By the Mid-80's other bands were grabbing the spotlight and synth pop was dominating American radio. Then things got really bad.
You suddenly had a lot of bands creating cerebral kamakazi with the ear drums and patience such as Mister Mister, KajaGooGoo, Cutting Crew, Aha, Terrance Trent Darby and many others. It wasn't until bands who danced around on the outter edges of IRS records got kids thinking about what music could be and what was possible. That is when things got interesting again.
But before the great rennaisance this is what we had to work with and it was substantial. It held up and some songs held up better than others. Devo doing Jocko Homo was beyond brilliant. The introduction of Booji boy was amazing too. See it all come together in this social commentary video is just what the Booji Boy ordered. Its king.
Cantu 2007, can be found at this post was created May 26, 2007 at 1:03 pm
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