Wednesday, December 6, 2006


"OOOOOOOHHH THAT SAMMY... !!!!!" (applause)
Yes the early 80's. Atari, 2600, Traci Lords, MTV, Day GLo everything, Arnold Schwarzegger was carrying a sword an wearing tights, and we had an actor in the white house..... GOod times for sure.

Only one little problem... there as no Comedy Central back then. Okay okay, maybe that wasn't a real problem. But we had to make due.

SCTV, the great Canadian import showcased 8 comedians which kicked the crap out of 200 years of American entertainment. And it was funny.

This showcases the fictional Sammy Maudlin which is a take off of Sammy Davis Junior. Jr., (as he was affectionately known) had a talk show in 1976. His guests did shameless plugs for eachothers live appearances and pontificated over their charity work. "ITS A LOVE THING BABE.... THIS LOVE THING.. YOU KNOW? ITS LOVE.. I FEEL A LOT OF LOVE IN THIS ROOM TONIGHT...CAN I HAVE A BIG HAND FOR LOVE?"

This really was a great bit.. (ah.. Bobby Bitman) that was done on SCTV from time to time. Note that the John Candy character is a take off of Ed MacMahon.. William B.

Enjoy it.. g'wan, "GO TAKE A BIG FAT CHANCE ON .. LOVE !!!!"

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