Thursday, December 7, 2006

The JudyBats - What Gives?

This band popped up in the early 90's and then disappeared near 2000. They may pop back up again you know how things are in rock and roll.......

But whats interesting is that recently people have accused the JB's of ripping off The Pixies. I have never made that distinction so i find that rather amusing. Because if you listen to the Judybats long enough you will find some soulful, in-depth and meaningful songs.....that go beyond bar rock, (bar meaning.... bar chords of course... a term fo endearment from Black Francis himself). Some of the Judybats songs are so emotional you want to break down -- they are intact, solid, you get the point? They're works of beauty.

I saw one of the females from the Judybats on Food TV's Cake Challenge..... She was baking a cake or pastry of some sort for a contest. I was surprised to see her on there, the name slips me at the moment, but she is still involved with eclectic things. This band is worth re-discovering. Horribly underated ... yes... but brilliant nonetheless.
Ted Cantu is the creator of

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