Thursday, December 7, 2006

Let's Active - In Little Ways

Ah Mitch Easter..... right? I think he was in this band....

I remember this album proclaimed, BIG PLANS FOR EVERYBODY.. and I heard it playing in Arborland Mall record shop. I couldn't drive a car then but I was chasing these new sounds around town so incessantly that none of that stuff really mattered much to me. What was important was getting my hands on this unique sound. I was a devotee to these guys.... Melodically speaking.

I was later accused of playing "pretty music" when I formed my second band. This was supposed to be taken as an insult. My bandmates for the most part were fairly tuneless. I was always constructing stuff.... Mitch was my idol really. Listen to this guitar solo.... its got a building quality to it... in much the way Squeeze used to play theirs.

I even knew the hidden bar sequence at the very end on this track as it fades out on the album. You won't hear that on this video. But I remember it fondly.
This song has not aged.

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