Sunday, April 15, 2007


"the biggest -- LITTLEST movie IN THE WHOLE REEKING WORLD !!!!!!"

The title sequence makes me laugh somewhat. It just jumps on the screen like all those tv titles did in the 70's. It makes me think of THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO the way the title just pops up somewhat unpretentiously.

The song has a lot of weight in this film. It sets the stage. Scorsese later said that he wouldn't think of creating the film without that song. It has so much stage setting ability with it. The other hidden "star" of the film is some of the tracks by the Rolling Stones. Funny to have such songs play such a major part in Little Italy. But then again Little Italy is basically New York... Little Italy itself is VERY FREAKIN LITTLE.

This film is admired by filmaholics like myself. But thought of very little by people who live for the minute. For those types I recommend GLITTER on DVD or the latest Lindsey Lohan offering.... (wait, does she make films... yet? or what?). MEAN STREETS IS SERIOUS GUY ENTERTAINMENT... its not a chick film. I could watch this thing for days on end, and have.

I like Deniro in this movie and Harvey Keitel. I was into this film pretty heavy in college and I got it now on DVD. That is good value kids. Its a nice investment.



Its major attitude city.

Cantu 2007

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