"back then when the parents would split town..... we'd run out and rent the most vilest, disgusting, sexist, hilarious stuff we could get our greedy little mitts on..... and stay up like ghouls of the night laughing our heads off"
BASKET CASE.. ah.. what a classic. Where else could you find gore, horror, comedy and a dash of claymation all finely tuned to the soundtrack of a CASIO keyboard?
Next to Cheese Whiz and sprayable Cheese in a can.... this stuff was PRETTY OVER THE TOP.
Would you believe that this has a good story to it? Would that help? I am totally serious. This thing is very watchable. But I gotta tell you. I remember my heart kinda racing when I picked up this box and went to the video check out counter. It was kinda scary in a way. It looked WRONG.
Once I got this movie home I ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT !!! This is the truth kids. I was thoroughly entertained with the theatrics and the ...ahem... acting. First up this thing takes place in New York City in the 8o's. Next to Taxi Driver this is a pretty good look at the extreme living conditions of Times Square before it became corporate-ized. Welcome to a surreal warzone of crime, drugs and porno. Thats fascinating.
I often wondered what happend to these dregs of society. Then I smile to myself as I pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal and see more CEOs get carted off to jail.
BASKET CASE.. ah.. what a classic. Where else could you find gore, horror, comedy and a dash of claymation all finely tuned to the soundtrack of a CASIO keyboard?
Next to Cheese Whiz and sprayable Cheese in a can.... this stuff was PRETTY OVER THE TOP.
Would you believe that this has a good story to it? Would that help? I am totally serious. This thing is very watchable. But I gotta tell you. I remember my heart kinda racing when I picked up this box and went to the video check out counter. It was kinda scary in a way. It looked WRONG.
Once I got this movie home I ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT !!! This is the truth kids. I was thoroughly entertained with the theatrics and the ...ahem... acting. First up this thing takes place in New York City in the 8o's. Next to Taxi Driver this is a pretty good look at the extreme living conditions of Times Square before it became corporate-ized. Welcome to a surreal warzone of crime, drugs and porno. Thats fascinating.
I often wondered what happend to these dregs of society. Then I smile to myself as I pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal and see more CEOs get carted off to jail.
ANYWHO... this is solid ROCK AND ROLL ENTERTAINMENT. Here is the killer. I actually stayed in the hotel where this debacle was filmed. I went to a concert in the city and missed the last train. I ended up shelling out a few bucks and staying in this fine establishment. What a fiasco that was.
Was it worth it?
Check out what this review said:
"The characters are terrible, or more correctly - the acting is terrible. The effects make use of bad puppets and rushed stop-motion animation, with some scenes kept atrociously dark to make the effects seem passable. It's got an awful build and an awful ending, but the story here was just too damn odd to miss out on."
Check out what this review said:
"The characters are terrible, or more correctly - the acting is terrible. The effects make use of bad puppets and rushed stop-motion animation, with some scenes kept atrociously dark to make the effects seem passable. It's got an awful build and an awful ending, but the story here was just too damn odd to miss out on."
Can't people be nice? This came to us from.....
I have to disagree. I think the special effects are AWESOME. I loved it when the claymation monster destroys the hotel room. I must of rewound that scene like FIFTY TIMES. I also liked when he destroyed the television.
Cantu works for the www.fascube.blogspot.com and lives in Novi, MI. This entry was made on March, 2, 2007 at 8:16 pm.
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