Wednesday, December 27, 2006

the AGE OF CHANCE - Explosively Yours


Vitality driven, imaginative, and wonderfully over the top. This track really delivers. This track screams fun fun fun.

"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Noise?"

I remember having to be dragged into the theaters to see "Ghost" and "Dirty Dancing" and being bored with the experience. I would dump my dates off back home by creating an excuse -- hop back in my car and drive straight to the Nectarine Ballroom. By the time I would get past security and check my coat I would hear this track on the turntable. The thunderous driving beat would numb the floor..........

.... and I was HOME!
Ted Cantu is the creator of Mobile Cast and
http://www.911copywriters.blogspot.comhe has handled the marketing for such innovative groups like and contributes to several blogs and podcasts such as….. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.

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