"so, Ted, honestly..... off the record.... how much money YOU makin?"
This video is beyond hilarious. Its scary and horrifying but yet far from brilliant. "OH HAPPY DAY" IS the song you sing when you quit this misearble prison sentence of a job. For those of you NOT IN THE KNOW, Ernst and Young is located in the Sears Tower in Chicago..... I did a brief stint there in what was little more than a "job".
E&Y is a working excercise in human behavior. It hardly qualifies itself as a job.
Don't believe me? Fine, you don't have to believe me, just read the following responses....
reverendtimothy (2 months ago)
Jesus Christ, I couldn't even sit through that video to the end.I gotta admit though: There's a little bit of painfully awkward cringe-humour in watching Accountants/Auditors trying to have Soul. It's like watching a quadriplegic tackle stairs.
mnmsdaddy (2 months ago)
wow, if they showed me this video in training, i would politely tell them goodbye!
suehypno (3 months ago)
Jesus, I work for them and it's enough to make me want to quit. What's even sadder is that I'm sure they could have squeezed at least another 2 mintues out of all those brilliant lyrics--why stop at 4 1/2 minutes?
This thing is a riot for a number of reasons. The "chick" in the evening gown kills me. It screams martini culture. Fat chance any of these droids will ever get a chance to check into a martini bar when you work 80 hours a week. But there is a very good chance you will able to reach alcoholic status in about 3 weeks.
The lyrics.... can we call these lyrics? What are these? A declaration of the sad, depraved and over motivated truth seekers of the "future". These angst ridden souls will find no peace until they quit this miserable cocophony of bullshit, muck and mire. Forget about self realization or reaching a higher understanding with God. While they are in service they will find no time to come up with logical conclusions of their own. Everything they are exists on two pieces of plastic. One gets you into the building, the other you use to pay your bills with, (your pass key and bank card... thats it).
There will be no peace for the years to come.
Wait, it gets better.....
fuffbee (1 week ago)
Well, Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" is more fitting, but you can't 'break it down!' in that song.
jcspectacular (1 week ago)
this is gold.
cindykaishin (1 week ago)
Tis is nonsense ... ask ppl in EY n see whether they're really happy ! u'll shorten 10 yrs of life when u're there for 1 yr !! Sleepless nitez in e e office n SO many deadlines to meet ! Interns were no different frm e Staff there ... they do e same thing but lower pay
johnsm2 (1 month ago)
I hate this video. It makes my skin crawl and it makes me want to quit. How much money did they spend on this!?!
Oh... its garbage folks.
So is the pay.
The quotes make me laugh. How can anyone still stay employed with this monkey shit operation after witnessing this horrible video? But the real question is where do you find the time or money to pay for a fucking TUX when you work at the miserly E and Y?
its an endless loop question.
I never thought about death so much as when I worked there. I thought about my own mortality A LOT when I worked in that dungeon. I worried that I might die in my sleep, I worried about my family i would leave behind and I even had nightmares about who would finish my "work" in my deadlines if I died working for the mighty E&Y. Funny stuff.
Hey, its a funny world.
Its a Happy World
and its a HAPPY DAY !!!
CANTU - 2007
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