You know what? Thats too bad !!
This is a juvenille guys band...... the Toy Dolls.... are beyond brilliant. That is what its all about.
Now that the 2000's are here the women market is bombarded with chicky films, dramas and their own networks, (WE, Lifetime for Women etc.). So you see? It all balances out quite nicely......
But note, that I said that this was a JUVENILLE GUYS BAND... Its not a ... "girl i wanna love you all night ...id die for you kinda band" either..... and its not a "im gonna get angry and smash up everything" kinda band either.... and its certainly not a.... "im gonna get depressed and cut my young wrists" kinda band either....... BUT.. it is a juvenille band. Just not that kind.
This track, "Nellie" is paired up with Anime animation and it works. Its odd, ( like Olga and the other guys in the Toy Dolls ) but it works.
Check out the official web site:
Imagine a punk band with guys who really know how to play their instruments. AND its a heavy metal band too without all the lame burnout overtones..... You'd have a pretty hip, kick-ass, optimistic band... wouldn't ya think?
This track is old.... about 20 years but its pretty amazing even now. I rather like it. But I like it even more when its matched up to this brilliant little cartoon.
I saw these guys in Chicago, (KING OF ALL CITIES)
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