The Producers - Mel Brooks - 1968
This film really picks up in just about every scene. Even if you are on the verge of passing out from excessive alcohol consumption like my college buddy you will find this amusing. He managed to watch this film in its entirety with only one eye open..... and laughed whole heartedly.
But not nearly half as amazing as this song..... Its amazingly bad but it fits neatly into the time frame of which it came from. Sort of like the musical numbers in, "The Party" with Peter Sellers from the same period .... this music is awful.
This is great suff. This song introduces Lorenzo St. Dubois - LSD to the plot of, "The Producers". LSD wins the role of Adolf Hitler and turns the flop, "Springtime for Hitler"into a hit. His hippie sensibilities really add a jolt of promise and dispair into the role. This entire film is one of Brooks finest and reads visually like a comic strip in Mad Magazine.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.
This film really picks up in just about every scene. Even if you are on the verge of passing out from excessive alcohol consumption like my college buddy you will find this amusing. He managed to watch this film in its entirety with only one eye open..... and laughed whole heartedly.
But not nearly half as amazing as this song..... Its amazingly bad but it fits neatly into the time frame of which it came from. Sort of like the musical numbers in, "The Party" with Peter Sellers from the same period .... this music is awful.
This is great suff. This song introduces Lorenzo St. Dubois - LSD to the plot of, "The Producers". LSD wins the role of Adolf Hitler and turns the flop, "Springtime for Hitler"into a hit. His hippie sensibilities really add a jolt of promise and dispair into the role. This entire film is one of Brooks finest and reads visually like a comic strip in Mad Magazine.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.
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